Monday, April 20, 2009

Day Three Costa Rica

We flew into CR today. We are two hours behind Madawaska, so the day will be a bit longer. The hotel we are staying at for three days has free wireless, so I will be able to catch up with my posts. For now, I'll share my first Costa Rican meal with you. The red salad is a popular Christmas salad here, called the Russian salad (!). It is made with beets and potatoes and mayo. Our group leader said her mother also adds apples and carrots. It was very good! We also had black beans, white rice, beef "stew", chicken, a tortilla, and another side of potatoes. Very good!

The group meets in 15 minutes for a walking tour of San Jose, the capitol of CR.

More later...


  1. This must be so exciting for you! I would be walking on air. I'm not sure about the Russian salad, but the rest of the meal sounded tasty. :o)

  2. Nice video of the croc. It loaded well. Glad to hear you've arrived safely and we hope things continue to go well.


  3. So I would have trouble eating there huh? :-)

  4. To Mrs. Beth Anderson-Molde
    What is the pink stuff in that picture? Nathan
    Have fun at the Banana Farm. Brady
    Did you have fun hiking? Jamey
    Learn a lot at Earth University! Brady
    Take lots of pictures of rare animals. Jamey
    Wear lots of bug spray when you go into the forest. Jesus M.
    Take lots of photos of random things! Brooke
    Wear sunscreen. Jamey
    We all miss you! The Class

    P.S. We got our rootbear floots today!
